
Anna and Ramin sold our home today. Were is my couch going to go? That is, we don’t know where we’ll be living in a month.


4 responses to “31.10.2006”

  1. Hei!
    Kävin kurkistamassa mitäpä teille kuuluu. Onnea uuden kodin etsintään!

  2. ahh! Flatcoat Jim was in the same position this June. Gazumped, so homeless for weeks! He was SOOOO happy when we went to yet Another House but then … OUR furniture turned up, smelling of many new & interesting things, but still of Old Home. AND he got to keep a sofa of his own in the utility room. Good luck Finnish Flatties xxx

  3. Alanna

    I met a woman over the weekend whose dog will not settle into a new house: just mopes and won’t eat and etc. I’m sure what you pick next will be perfect for people and dogs and with any luck, those who know you via photos!

  4. Rae: Well, most of our furniture will follow immediately. The boys thank you for the good luck wishes and wag their tails in true flatcoat fashion to the new commenter!

    Alanna: Our next (temporary) place will be whatever we get on the market to rent. What comes after that should be great for the boys…

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