He qualifies!
The world is small (at least in the Finnish retriever circles), we wanted to wait until today to publish yesterday’s result. But in the internet era, it just wasn’t meant to be. So, yesterday Jalo finally qualified in the field (i.e. he can attend field trials now). Our thanks to Tuuli and the judges at Jalo’s previous trials for their hints. Finally an excerpt from the evaluation:
General appearance: A dog that works with excellent eagerness and solves the tasks quickly.
4 responses to “03.09.2007”
Way to go!!!
Sylillinen onnitteluja taipumisen johdosta!
Mahtavaa Jalo ja taustajoukot. Kyllä se NOU 1 aina sertin voittaa. Onnea kaikille!
Way to go Jalo! insane eagerness and quick problem solver…hmm…sounds like Jalo alright. 😀