In November Flippe’s hip dysplasia was confermed. After the X-rays his condition has clearly worsened and Pepper hasn’t been himself.
On our walks while others run around, Flippe generally mooches slowly behind.

Every now and then he’ll stop and take a breather while the rest of us keep walking. Don’t worry, he does catch up. But at Christmas every flatcoat owner’s nightmare occurred: he didn’t want to go for a walk.
On subsequent walks Flippe has clearly started to avoid more difficult terrain. Here you can see Flippe opting to stay on access’ road to home while the rest took a shortcut over snowy fields (and the snow wasn’t even deep).
1 response to “13.01.2009”
Harmin paikka:( Toivottavasti vointi kuitenkin kohenee ja olo virkistyy:)