Sulo: You know what’s even more fun than rolling around on the grass? Rolling around in a blueberry patch.
[Sorry, now pictures available of the event, the rest were picking blueberries – some for the freezer, some directly into the mouth. -Ed]
Sulo: You know what’s even more fun than rolling around on the grass? Rolling around in a blueberry patch.
[Sorry, now pictures available of the event, the rest were picking blueberries – some for the freezer, some directly into the mouth. -Ed]
6 responses to “04.08.2009”
Assi taitaa tietää…taas tänään sai sienet kyytiä, yök! Ja kakara perässä. Onneksi Cinna hienohelma ei moiseen alennu, huh.
Miulla onkin nyt mietinnässä, kuinka Sulon saisi mustikkatahrattomaksi ennen viikonlopun näyttelyä…
Did the blueberries stain his coat?
@Alex: Yes they did, but luckily a nice long swim with me at Anna’s parents cabin afterwards got rid of most of the stains. The retriever solution to getting clean: go for a swim (and hope it isn’t a swamp ;).
Kyllä ne mustikkataahrat tavallisella shampoolla lähtee Anna, on sen verran monta kertaa kokeiltu 🙂
Tuuli: Kiva tietää 🙂 Kohta pitääkin ruveta noita kutreja laittamaan näteiksi.