Sulo got an infection of canine flu at the last dog show we visited. His symptoms lasted for a few days and then settled down. Immediately afterward Luka got the same symptoms. We thought he was also well on the road to recovery until yesterday morning his condition took a turn for the worse.
Luka didn’t eat and his temperature was up at 41.8C (107.2F). In addition, he couldn’t keep any of the fluids he drank in. To make matters even worse, the first five vets we tried were booked solid – at least we got a phone recipe to get the necessary medication.
After a day of agonizing and medicating Luka with more pills than you can count we got his temperature back to normal readings. He has also started eating and drinking himself. So he seems to be on the mend, but we’d still like to ask you all to keep your thumbs and paws up for Luka.
6 responses to “30.12.2009”
Täällä peukutetaan! Laitahan viestiä, millainen on toipilaan olo tänään.
We keep thumbs and paws up for you, Luka! There are so many adventures waiting for you out there – the sooner you’ll recover the sooner you can go on the prowl! All the best!
Voimia Lukalle ja toipumisia.
Hoitotyttömme Donnan sukulaisia on myös sairastunut näyttelyiden jälkeen bakteeriin nimeltään “streptococcus equi zooepidemicus”. Synulox lääke kuulemma hyväksi.
Kts: http://erki.vuodatus.net/
Onneksi vaikuttaa, että Luka on toipumaan päin.
Peukutellaan ja tassutellaan koko kööri! Auttoko ne R hakemat tabut? Onneks ne on niin pieniä, et ne saa helposti menee ilman ykäilyä. Luukas, toivu pian!
Our warmest thank yous to all of you!
Tuhannesti kiitoksia kaikille!