Today is the start of waterfowl hunting season in Finland. It also marks the second year in a row when we haven’t been out with Kamu hunting or retrieving. Last year we didn’t go out at all, this year we probably will at some point with the hope of getting a retrieve or two for Kamu.
But we haven’t forgotten what flatcoated retrievers where created for and Kulo has already been in contact with various kinds of game, both here with us and already earlier at his breeders. And seeing the Finnish flatcoated retriever championship last weekend sparked the bug of training a bit more with Kamu as well.

Today is the start of waterfowl hunting season in Finland. It also marks the second year in a row when we haven’t been out with Kamu hunting or retrieving. Last year we didn’t go out at all, this year we probably will at some point with the hope of getting a retrieve or two for Kamu.
But we haven’t forgotten what flatcoated retrievers where created for and Kulo has already been in contact with various kinds of game, both here with us and already earlier at his breeders. And seeing the Finnish flatcoated retriever championship last weekend sparked the bug of training a bit more with Kamu as well.