
Woohoo! Time to run into the waves.

Honestly, the endless beaches on the Baltic side of the Curonian Spit were a joy to talk on even if Kamu was the only one to go for a swim.

Woohoo! Time to run into the waves.

Honestly, the endless beaches on the Baltic side of the Curonian Spit were a joy to talk on even if Kamu was the only one to go for a swim.

Woohoo! Time to run into the waves.

Honestly, the endless beaches on the Baltic side of the Curonian Spit were a joy to talk on even if Kamu was the only one to go for a swim.

Woohoo! Time to run into the waves.

Honestly, the endless beaches on the Baltic side of the Curonian Spit were a joy to talk on even if Kamu was the only one to go for a swim.