The North Sea on the last day of September? Perfect for swimming, at least according to Ramin, Kamu and a local seal.
Unfortunately the Dutch coast is very non-friendly for boondocking and every single parking lot along the coast had no camping or overnight parking signs. Since we respect the local rules we decided to head into Belgium away from the coast to spend the night. And we do understand why there is no overnight parking rules in place on these beaches. During the summer the parking lots would be full of campervans etc blocking access for anyone else to the area. But in the off season? Maybe the rules could be relaxed a little?

The North Sea on the last day of September? Perfect for swimming, at least according to Ramin, Kamu and a local seal.

The North Sea on the last day of September? Perfect for swimming, at least according to Ramin, Kamu and a local seal.

The North Sea on the last day of September? Perfect for swimming, at least according to Ramin, Kamu and a local seal.