After visiting a few castles in Germany we made our way into Austria and Vienna and finally into Slovakia and Bratislava. There Kamu finally got to go for a swim in the very muddy Danube as well. The misty sunrise is from the Austrian the morning before.

After visiting a few castles in Germany we made our way into Austria and Vienna and finally into Slovakia and Bratislava. There Kamu finally got to go for a swim in the very muddy Danube as well. The misty sunrise is from the Austrian the morning before.

After visiting a few castles in Germany we made our way into Austria and Vienna and finally into Slovakia and Bratislava. There Kamu finally got to go for a swim in the very muddy Danube as well. The misty sunrise is from the Austrian the morning before.

After visiting a few castles in Germany we made our way into Austria and Vienna and finally into Slovakia and Bratislava. There Kamu finally got to go for a swim in the very muddy Danube as well. The misty sunrise is from the Austrian the morning before.