
Mie käyn vähemmällä höyryllä kuin Flippe.


2 vastausta artikkeliin “26.01.2006”

  1. Tommy Tompkins/Ben

    I live in Florida, so don’t think this is a dumb question please, what do you have to do to protect you dogs from the extreme cold?

  2. Well, nothing actually. Winter and the cold weather doesn’t come over night so dogs have time to get used to the cold. When it’s -15 C our flatties aren’t cold at all. Flippe still pants because he’s hot. 🙂

    But we have to put a jacket and socks on our 12 year old Kassu (see picture on 2006-01-13). The circulation of an old dog isn’t as good as young dogs and it doesn’t keep the old dog warm enough – especially during at -30 C. And he doesn’t move as actively anymore as our younger ones.

    Though the flatties need to keep moving all the time during the extreme cold as well or they’ll start lifting their paws and slightly shivering. Also at -30 C our walks are limited to about half an hour.

Do you still remember these moments?