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4 vastausta artikkeliin “16.04.2006”

  1. this is FUNNYYY!!!
    i love it! absurd! cute! how the hell did you manage to get this pose???

  2. Hyvää nimipäivää Jalolle!

  3. Well, my dear friend Vikke… First, put a scarf on Flippe. Tell Jalo and Flippe to sit and stay still. Second, put the flowers in front of them. And third, stick a bunch of pussy willows in Jalo’s mouth. That’s SO simple 🙂

  4. If these dogs weren’t so absolutely gloriosly gleefully HAPPY in every other picture, you’d have to wonder about circus-dog animal exploitation here! Instead it’s just uproariously funny! Very creative, guys …

Do you still remember these moments?