
Toissapäivänä meillä oli kahden talouden sisarustapaaminen. Vasemmalta oikealle Jalo (Chiccoxen Ice and Fire) ja siskonsa Pimu (Chiccoxen Itsy-Bitsy) sekä Blondi (Mei Dan Third Blonde) ja veljensä Luka (Mei Dan Second Blonde).


3 vastausta artikkeliin “29.06.2006”

  1. Imma + Spikey, Quira, Lenny and Woody

    Such beauties! Wow;-)

  2. was the…umm…aqcuiring of identical-kennels a mutually planned thing? or just a strange coincidence? 😀
    nice picture, btw.

  3. It was just a *very* strange coincidence. Remember that we didn’t tell anyone that we were getting Luka beforehand.

Do you still remember these moments?