
Parihyppy #3 [Jokohan nyt pisteytys kääntyisi valkoisen miehen puolelle? -Toim.huom.]


3 vastausta artikkeliin “16.08.2006”

  1. Ramin advances to the semi-finals by default. Jalo disqualified for early take-off. Who reached the bumper first?

  2. I let Jalo reach the bumper first. The poor thing doesn’t know how to swim well without anything in his mouth. Give him something to carry and he’ll swim just fine, but heading towards the target means that he keeps trying to climb on top of the water.

    With Flippe at least there’s a real contest to see which one of us swims faster. So far I’ve been the winner.

  3. ”So far I’ve been the winner.”

    Ha, Ramin.
    In Man vs: Flatcoat World, this is nothing. Let’s see you win an EATING contest vs: a Flat …


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