
Meillä on pentu, joten luvassa on paljon pentukuvia! Ei ne kauaa tuon kokoisena pysy…

Topilla (Miss Mallorys Third Time Lucky) on nyt oma kotisivu.


8 vastausta artikkeliin “13.02.2010”

  1. Ihanaa ihanaa <3

    Saahan joskus tulla nuuskuttelemaan Topia, joohan? Suloinen pikkuotus.

  2. awesome! topi is truly a houdini class magician and ninja-dog extraordinaire! cool picture too. 😀

  3. R’s Mom

    Our newest and youbgest granddog is really cute! Congratulations!

  4. R’m Mom again!

    -sorry, didn’t mean ”youbgest”, meant ”youngest”!

  5. Minna: Juu tottakai, tervetuloa! Eikun auton nokka tähän suuntaan!

  6. @v-j: He’s still a Houdini – and very curious about his surroundings. He likes my guitar…

    @Mom: Thanks. He’s a real charmer, that’s for sure.

  7. Hello!

    Want to wish you good luck with little Topi!
    He looks them a real little charmer!
    You’re welcome to mail me and tell me how it goes!

    Many greetings from Cecilia ”Grandma” and Daddy-Melvin 🙂

    Give Topi a kiss from us in Stockholm

  8. @Cecilia & Melvin: Hello! And welcome to our blog! Topi is a real gentleman and he has already stolen our hearts! A kiss is forwarded to Topi 🙂

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