
Kankut kuurassa.


8 vastausta artikkeliin “30.12.2011”

  1. Hi!
    I just found your blog & I looked at every picture from the very beginning, really, everyone!!
    I also cried at the passing of each of your boys , I felt like I knew them so well from the daily pictures.
    I have 2 rough collies right now but am planning on getting a flatcoat from Liz at Blazingstar Kennels as my next dog & I can’t wait.
    I am glad you decided to continue on with your blog, I love your pictures & your dogs.

  2. Teillä sentään on kankut kuurassa, meillä on ainoastaan kurassa ja kurasesonki senkun jatkuu, ainakin meidän suunnalla.

  3. @ Jolene: Hi and welcome! It must have been a long process to go through every picture 😉 There are nearly 3 000 of them. So, a job well done! We know Liz and are huge fan of her photos (and dogs too). We <3 Tinbie! Once again, welcome and we hope you keep following our blog.

    @Sanna: Ei meilläkään kovin paljon pakkasta ole ollut, juuri ja juuri saattanut miinuksen puolella käydä. Ja tänään on taas tullut vettä kuin esterin hanurista. Mutta huomiseksi lupaa jo pakkasta – jospa se talvi vihdoinkin tulisi…

  4. Anna it was a very long process! I have been bed bound & sick for 3 days, so I had my trusty laptop with me & that is what I did! It was like reading a book!
    Liz lives about 45 min from me so I also have been to her house a couple of times. She also trains where I do so I get to see the dogs alot. I love Tinbie as well!!! Have you seen her Cava? I have fallen in love with her & fingers crossed all her health tests will come back ok as I want a puppy from her.
    Happy New Year!

  5. dianna

    It is good to hear of another person who has looked at every photo Jolene! I found Life of Jalo when I was looking for photos of yellow Flatcoats, found Luka (I think he must be THE perfect dog)and kept on going, then went back to the beginning of LOJ and have now seen every photo too. They are addictive and I also really enjoy the captions and scenery. After owning and training German Shepherds and then training Labradors, Goldens and mixes of these two breeds and their recipients for Assistance dog work, I now have my first Flatcoat, Kirra. At first I did wonder what I had done! But now she is everything you could want in a dog, including funny. Love her! Thank you Ramin and Anna for your blog.

  6. Jolene, we haven’t seen either Tinbie nor Cava live, just admired the pictures of them.

    Dianna, Luka thanks you for your compliments! Ah, the captions… They are the most difficult part for us to come up with. Sometimes feels that we’ve written every possible caption already 😉

    Thank you both for reading our blog and Happy New Year!

  7. Dianna

    ”Ah, the captions… They are the most difficult part for us to come up with. Sometimes feels that we’ve written every possible caption already ;)”

    I can’t imagine how you do them day after day! They are always clever and give your dogs and the scenarios such ”personality”

  8. @Dianna: Thanks. We do try, but sometimes it really feels like we’ve hit a wall. But luckily the boys themselves have differing enough characters that we can always find something to put in their mouths 😉

Do you still remember these moments?