
Tänään blogimme The Life of Jalo täyttää 13 vuotta! Kiitos kun olette kulkeneet tätä taivalta kanssamme <3


6 vastausta artikkeliin “13.09.2017”

  1. Wow. This is amazing. Thank you for sharing 4748 blogs with us, the funny times and the sad times. I really enjoy following the life of your brilliant packs. Wonderful dogs and wonderful people. Congratulations! And may this journey continue …

  2. @Imma: Thanks! Actually it’s 4749 posts. Which is quite a large number now that I think of it.

  3. Anna, your birthday card is beautiful!

    Ramin – 4000+ is extraordinary.

  4. @ Imma: Thank you!

  5. R’s Mom

    Congratulations kids! Great card, Anna!



  6. Onnea, tämän on suosikkiblogini ja Annan piirros on aivan ihana. Toivon saavani viettää vielä monia ihania hetkiä blogin parissa.

Do you still remember these moments?