
Jalo tried to show that he’s a real retriever by passing his tendency trial but failed. His waterwork was excellent and energetic and his returns came directly into Ramin’s hands. Alas, his excess enthusiasm became a hindrance at the second crow in the search area as a crunch was heard at the beginning of the retrieve. That ended the trial this time, as broken game disqualifies a dog immeadiately. Next time we try it all in October with a dog that’s a bit calmer when working.


1 response to “13.08.2006”

  1. Hiljaa hyvä tulee. Heh, kuulostaapa ironiselta… Sitä kun ei ole helpolla päästy näiden koiruuksien kanssa. Harmittaa kovin se eilinen C:nkin osalta, mihin kaatui. Mutta periksi ei anneta, vaikka välillä toivo meinaa häippästä! =)

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