
We’ve taken Wubba out for a walk. A looong walk.


2 responses to “17.05.2007”

  1. Jalmari on niin iloisen näköinen veikko! Mielissään varmaan uusista leluista. Voi Jalo poika, sinua kunuttas niin mielellään. =) Tytötkin pääsi taas pitkälle hihnalenkille tänään. Tienoon urosten omistajat varmaan mielissään, kun Cinnalla parhaat päivät menossa. Eräs vanhempi nainen sanoi Assista, että onpas vanha ja viisas rouva, heh!

  2. Cheri Durthaler

    I love the pic of Jalo, a beautiful dog. The guy Mike who posted a note about the spammers happens to be my brother and I have been trying to find him and get his latest email address. Did you get it when he filled out his note? If so, can you forward my comment to him or reach him and tell him to reach me? I just want to know that he is doing okay and is well.

Do you still remember these moments?