
Sulo: Boy did I get a good catch last Saturday. I caught this delicious rat and was all muddy and bloody afterwards. Anna and Ramin tried to get it away from me, but I was faster.


4 responses to “14.06.2007”

  1. Sorry about the late update… We had network troubles again all last night.

    Päivitys taas viivästyi. Meillä oli yhteysongelmia koko viime yön.

  2. Imma & Co

    Good to know that it were only network problems – one gets worried if you do not come up anew at midnight! What a tremendous continuity! Congratulations, by the way – 1005 days (with so few exceptions)appearances on time! Good luck to you and the boys!

  3. Sitä se muaseutu teettää, kaiken maailman olioita voi kytätä.

  4. Imma: Thanks. We do try our best. Although I should start remembering the flat-rate data plan I’ve got on my phone for when the network is down otherwise…

    In fact, I have to confess that I made an error in the initial transfer as well. I uploaded the image with the wrong date and didn’t notice it until several hours later.

Do you still remember these moments?