
During the autumn we’ve had some really long workdays where we’ve been helping Anna and Ramin cutting and chopping wood. After a hard day of work, lying down feels so good.


5 responses to “30.10.2007”

  1. It is really hard to be a dog

  2. Imma & flat pack

    Especially being a dog living with Anna and Ramin *ggg*!

  3. Kylläpäs Sulo jo näyttää ihan isolta pojalta. Speciaaliterkut hysteerikko Jalolle!

  4. And Sulo’s still got it easy! After all, he still gets to be the puppy around the house.

  5. moi! on taas kestänyt hetken! tämä on harvinaisen mahtava kuva! supermahtava!

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