
Luka: With Jalo’s tail still healing, I got an express assignment to go hunting for real for the very first time on the start of the duck hunting season. The result of five and a half hours of work was the common teal, it was also my first real retrieve. The bird was wounded and dropped a few hundred metres from us. Lake Sysmä just didn’t have any birds yesterday. I was also a model dog: silent while waiting and wandering some distance in front of the hunters while on the move trying to drive up any swimming ducks.


2 responses to “21.08.2008”

  1. Kiva et siekii Luukkis pääsit oikeiden töiden makuun! Cinnastakii oli tänään taas jättikivaa olla hommissa sitten viime syksyn. Tai on me treenattu, mut lämpimällä tirpalla. Vielä se Jalmarikin ehtii hommiin, eka parannellaan häntä tip top kuntoon.

  2. How is Jalo doing? How is his tail injury being treated? It must be difficult for a basically happy dog not to wag his tail.

Do you still remember these moments?