
Luka got another third prize in the beginners class of retrievers hunt tests. The Man did an excellent job in a double mark and his work with the blinds was brilliant. In the guided blind in the water the boat and other game in the blinds just took too much attention from him.

During the last twelve months Luka has passed his tendency trial (NOU1) and gotten three third prizes (ALO3).

In the test Luka’s returns went through a crowd of people (and their lunches)… Once while returning a seagull he noticed a white juice container on the ground and dropped the seagull. When he realized that it isn’t another seagull, he nonchalantly picked up the original gull and completed the return. But hey, he’s just a blonde.


1 response to “30.09.2008”

  1. Hienoa Luka ja ohjaajat! Taitava koiruus.

    Ja hieno uusi ulkoasu!

Do you still remember these moments?