When we swim here, we quite often have an audience. Even though the audience is there swimming and sunbathing, the boys concentrate on their own tasks. Well, Luka did go and show his dummy to one of the girls from a metre away…

We wonder what kind of a story the girls told at home: one nutcase up to his armpits in the water with a camera while another one throws dummies for three retrievers.
3 responses to “17.08.2009”
it sounds perfectly normal to me
Äkkiseltään näyttää että Luka kävelee vetten päällä jälkimmäisessä kuvassa!
@Tommy: Yes, doing all kinds of crazy things with the dogs IS perfectly normal!
Kirsi: Lukahan _osaa_ kävellä vetten päällä, katso vaikka tämä kuva: https://lifeofjalo.com/2006/12/12/