
Flippe’s brother Aatu (Chiccoxen Forever Young) became a Finnish field trial champion during the weekend in addition he already was a Finnish champion.

Here the brother of a FT Ch shows his version of how to carry game 🙂

Flippe: The less game is in my mouth the better.


4 responses to “14.09.2009”

  1. Hups. Flättimestaruuden tohinassa ja jälkimainingeissa sitähän on ihan kokonaan päässyt unohtumaan, että LoJ täytti jo eilen viisi vuotta.

    Oops. With the Flatcoated retriever championships during the weekend and whatnot, we completely forgot the five year anniversary of LoJ yesterday.

  2. Onneksi olkoon LoJ 5-vuotiselle blogille!

  3. Imma + 5 Rekawuffls

    Flippe, you do it almust wonderfully!

    Hurrah for the 5th anniversary – unbelievable. Having laughed and sometimes shed a tear for such a long time each and every day – congratulations!

  4. Kiitos onnitteluista! Matka on ollut pitkä, mutta se jatkukoon edelleen.

    Thank you for congratulations! The journey has been long and it shall continue.

Do you still remember these moments?