
Luka and Ramin in our little Eden.


6 responses to “04.07.2010”

  1. Ihmismäärä on lisääntynyt, nyt täällä on 70 000 ihmistä.

    More people have trickled into the area and now there are 70 000 people.

  2. Is it , like…Woodstock?

  3. Luka näkyy kyllä, mutta onko Ramin jo hurahtanut ja “näkyvissä” tuolla alueella?

  4. Sari: Ramin on edelleen “oikealla puolella aitaa”, eli ihan vasemmassa alanurkassa selkää näkyy.


    Keep eating those little Eden apples as you wave them goodbye, Anna. 😉
    R xxx

    * [“Gordon Bennett”: mid-20th century colloquial English: a cry of disbelieving horror expressed in rueful mirth: origin – name of a famed footballer: usage – probably obscure to people who are not middle-aged Brits]

  6. @tommy: We wish. We’ve been surrounded by a religious summer event. So we’ve been hearing sermons and hymns for several days. Tomorrow’s the last though!

    @rachel: Tomorrow we get to wave them goodbye. Finally!

Do you still remember these moments?