Chiccoxen Ice and Fire “Jalo” 26.7.2004 – 21.3.2011

The weekend made abundantly clear that we did not have a choice. Jalo’s condition deteriorated unbelievably quickly.

Yesterday it was time to let our beloved friend go. Thank you Jalo for all the years we got to spend with you – we wish there would have been more of them. Now you are comfortable again and that is what counts. Your overabundance of joy and carefree attitude would light up even the gloomiest of days, you were always a source of sunshine and joy. Your foolish character will always live on in our memories. Thank you, dear friend, for being you.

Here we are, now lay the burden down
We’re coming to the end of our road
Sorrowful yet glorious somehow
To be humming this one last ode

The memories beneath the dust of years
They seem like those of someone deceased
There’s no more to be done, or hoped or feared
Just waiting for the final release

So calm and thrilled… it wasn’t all that bad, or was it now?
Still, it doesn’t only hurt to end it now

Is life over, this life’s over?
Or has it only just begun?
It grows colder, starts to moulder…
Coming apart yet still not done

Forever one

– Sentenced, End of the Road

This is how we would like to remember Jalo.


30 responses to “Chiccoxen Ice and Fire “Jalo” 26.7.2004 – 21.3.2011”

  1. Dear Ramin and Anna.

    I can’t properly express how I am saddened about this. Many tears have been shed today. Jalo was a great, animated and joyous friend. He will be sorely missed by our little family, and no doubt everyone who encountered him.

    This song popped up on my playlist more than once today, I found it sadly appropriate.

    minä liikun, on vain vauhti hiipunut
    askel askeleelta raskaammaksi käynti muuttunut,
    ei taida olla minusta enää jatkamaan
    vaikka nähtävää on jäljellä
    en jää silti katsomaan
    tahdon levätä, tahdon silmät ummistaa
    en nousta vähään aikaan
    uni tullessaan saa tuoda veljen mukanaan

    thanks Jalo. we miss you.

    bear, eeva & coco

  2. Susan Miraftabi

    Dear Ramin and Anna,
    My deepest sympathies for your loss.
    I know how a love of a wonderful pet can touch us and how these wonderful beings become part of our families.

    Much love,

  3. Dear Anna and Ramin, We are shedding tears here for you both and for Jalo….

    I remember when you started his blog all those years ago and we’ve been checking in now and again over the years. It feels like the end of an era, and I’m sure it does for you too.

    We have lost dogs, both old and young, and we never, never have had any regrets about owning any of them. Each dog has taught us so much and they have lived their lives “in the moment” and brought us much joy.

    Jalo was a lovely flat-coat and we will all miss him.

    Liz & Andy

  4. I have shed my tears too…Jalo was my homepage for many years and somehow you get to feel very close…
    Thank you both for taking care of Jalo. I hope you both are well and I wish I could somehow do more.

  5. Nyt olen vapaa ja mukana tuulen
    Saan kulkea rajoilla ajattomuuden
    Olen kimallus tähden, olen pilven lento
    Olen kasteisen aamun pisara hento
    En ole poissa, vaan luoksenne saavun
    Mukana jokaisen nousevan aamun
    Ja jokaisen tummuvan illan myötä
    Toivotan teille hyvää yötä
    -Eino Leino-

  6. Veljen perheelle lämpimät halaukset. t. Pimu ja muu porukka

  7. Lohdutushalaukset teille molemmille.

  8. Pia K.

    Lämmin osanotto Jalon siirryttyä sateenkaari sillalle.

  9. Lohduttavat halaukset myös meiltä.

  10. Lämmin osanotto Anna ja Ramin!

  11. Leijaani kultaiseen kirjoitan, kauneimman mä lauseen.
    Kanteen taivaan kun leija nousee, sen nähdä saat.

    Kyynelsilmin, mutta ihanin muistoin, kiitos Jalo ihanista yhteisistä hetkistä. Emme unohda sinua koskaan. Sytytämme illalla kynttilän valaisemaan matkaasi.

  12. Imma and Rekawuffls

    Dear Anna and Ramin, it seems so unfair that you had to let go wonderful, joyful Jalo. It’s such a short spell we have together with our beloved friends. My heart reaches out for you.

    Jalo had the best life one could imagine. Now he is free of pain and probably frolicing again with Flippe and Kassu somewhere over the rainbow.

    Jalo, you are already missed by so many people over the world. You were a gorgeous flat.

  13. Oh, my dears.

    Giant, flatcoatedly exuberant hugs to you both.


  14. Liian varhain sammui suuri sydän. Hyvää matkaa Jalo, nyt saat levätä.

  15. R’s Mom

    All my love, sympathy and concern for you, dear ones . . .


  16. Voi tätä surun päivää…

  17. Heli, Tosca-mamma ja Sylvi

    Lämmin osanotto Annalle ja Raminille sekä pikkuveljille. Toscan lapsosista jo kolme tuikkii tähtinä taivaalla.

  18. heli ja jussi

    Suru suuri, ei löydy sanoja

    Jaloa kaivaten

    Heli, Jussi, Ukkis ja puntarikosken töhöt

  19. Dear Ramin & Anna
    All our love to you and your family at this time. Thank you for sharing Jalo with us all.
    He made everyday just that bit brighter as only a flatcoat can.

  20. I’m so sorry for you loss of Jalo, I’m glad I’ve gotten to know him through the stories you tell.


  21. Such a beautiful boy. I am so sorry.

  22. So sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing his all-too-short life with us. He was a wonderful friend and taught me a lot about how to approach life. Following his adventures brightened even the darkest days. Farewell, dear Jalo.

  23. Thousands of thank yous to all of you lovely people <3

    Tuhannet kiitokset teille kaikille ihanille ihmisille <3

  24. Mari, Elli&Ansku

    Lämmin osanotto ja halaus teille! Koittakaa jaksaa <3

  25. I was shocked today when I read this sad message. I feel very sorry for you all, as it must be a very big loss. I am following your blog since 2006 and it feels like knowing you all.

    A big hug from Italy
    Olivia and Smilla

  26. Eija ja Auli

    Voimia Anna ja Ramin. Jalolle hyvää matkaa sinne, missä saa herkkuja syödä aina niin paljon kun huvittaa, aurinko paistaa aina eikä kipuja enää ole. Vie terveisiä sinne.

  27. Stefan Fahlander

    Dear Anna, Ramin and the Boys,
    We were shocked to read the sad news, and we are
    so sorry for your loss.
    Jalo has given us many nice moments over the years
    through his web site, and has almoust been like a
    part of our pack as well.
    We will miss you Jalo.
    Marja, Stefan, Lilly and Siiri
    Uppsala, Sweden

  28. Voi ei mitä uutisia loman jälkeen 🙁

    Olen todella pahoillani menetyksenne vuoksi! Menetys on ollut nopea ja varmasti tuskainen teille.

    Nyt on Jalolla hyvä olla. Voimia teille kaikille suuresta menetyksestä.

    Jalo antoi teille paljon ja jätti jälkeensä hyviä muistoja. Kunhan tuska helpottaa on niitä ihana muistella.

  29. Amanda de Wet

    Dear Anna and Ramin. I have not visited your blog for a while and only today read about your loss. My heart goes out to all of you. It was such a shock reading that Jalo has moved on. I can only imagine how hard it must be for you.

  30. @Amanda: Thank you for your kind words. Yes, it was very shocking to us, because the cancer got rapidly worse and Jalo’s condition collapsed in a week and a half.

Do you still remember these moments?