
Yesterday we asked what on earth is happening in yesterday’s picture. We don’t have a clue, but here is the whole series: before…


…after. Well, what do you think is happening?


4 responses to “10.03.2012”

  1. Pillit soi 🙂

  2. Eilen kyllä ajattelin, että musti edellä on kaasuttanut pahemman kerran 😀

  3. Dianna

    Photo 1. They were sniffing the ground.
    Photo 2. They got a bad or scary smell.
    Photo 3. They are “getting the H… out of here!”

    I haven’t a clue really. This is just a wild guess.

  4. I wonder if it was a skunk? Truely remarkable capture though! It has got to be one of my favourites!

Do you still remember these moments?