
Do you still remember me?

It’s been a year since we had to say good-bye to Jalo.


8 responses to “21.03.2012”

  1. We will never forget you, Jalo. You are always in my heart.

  2. a year already 🙁
    I remember how I cried, I can only imagine how you felt…
    Never forgotten

  3. Mrs Dolittle

    Of course we remember your beautiful gorgeous boy. Sadly missed. Not forgotten. x

  4. Tuli yhtenä päivänä mieleen, että Jalostakin on kohta vuosi. Se kohta tulikin nyt. Varmaan surullinen vuosipäivä teille. Voimia.
    Jalon muisto elää aina <3

  5. Thank you all for your kind words. It’s been a really sad day today. We’re so lucky to have you all sharing our doggie life’s joys and sorrows. Thanks <3

  6. Gita Beecroft


  7. Thoughts were definitely with you this day. Jalo was such a beautiful boy.

Do you still remember these moments?