
We spent the weekend at two local dog shows. How did you spend yours?


7 responses to “12.08.2013”

  1. Haaveissa…koirahaaveissa. Kuumeilua ei suinkaan helpota teidän bloginne seuraaminen.

  2. Kirsi: Pitäisikö laittaa vielä lisää pentukuvia? 🙂

  3. Luulenpa etteivät pentukuvat toimi kuumetta alentavina, tosin en ole tehnyt aiheesta tarkempaa tutkimusta… 😉

  4. R’s Mom

    Where did I spend mine? ….sitting in the yard wishing you were here instead of there….. 🙂

  5. MIL: <3

  6. dianna

    At a 2 day retrieving trial.
    How did you go at the shows?

  7. No big success for us at the shows. But we had a chance to meet lot of friends and had a good time! 🙂

Do you still remember these moments?