Yesterday Kamu passed his hunting qualification test and got international working certificate! “General appearance: In pleasing co-operation with handler and completes the tasks with good attitude showing good retrieving tendencies.”

Yesterday Kamu passed his hunting qualification test and got international working certificate! “General appearance: In pleasing co-operation with handler and completes the tasks with good attitude showing good retrieving tendencies.”

Yesterday Kamu passed his hunting qualification test and got international working certificate! “General appearance: In pleasing co-operation with handler and completes the tasks with good attitude showing good retrieving tendencies.”

Yesterday Kamu passed his hunting qualification test and got international working certificate! “General appearance: In pleasing co-operation with handler and completes the tasks with good attitude showing good retrieving tendencies.”

Yesterday Kamu passed his hunting qualification test and got international working certificate! “General appearance: In pleasing co-operation with handler and completes the tasks with good attitude showing good retrieving tendencies.”
2 responses to “30.06.2019”
Onnea! Hieno osoitus siitä kuinka komeus(kauneus minun mieleen) ja rodunomainen taito sopivat samaan pakettiin <3
@Kirsi: Kiitos! Kyllä mekin olemme olleet erittäin tyytyväisiä nuoren herran ulkonäköön ja työintoon.