After the hustle and bustle of England, the emptiness of The Highlands was just what the doctor ordered for us. Walks in the moors, spending the night by a river. With the locals coming by to check that we hadn’t lost our leads on the moors after they had found a pair when walking themselves. But most of all, not seeing a constant stream of walkers and dog walkers come and go from sunrise to sunset. Having a parkup just for ourselves for the day. A level of solitude that a Finn will crave after some time in more populated regions.

After the hustle and bustle of England, the emptiness of The Highlands was just what the doctor ordered for us. Walks in the moors, spending the night by a river. With the locals coming by to check that we hadn’t lost our leads on the moors after they had found a pair when walking themselves. But most of all, not seeing a constant stream of walkers and dog walkers come and go from sunrise to sunset. Having a parkup just for ourselves for the day. A level of solitude that a Finn will crave after some time in more populated regions.

After the hustle and bustle of England, the emptiness of The Highlands was just what the doctor ordered for us. Walks in the moors, spending the night by a river. With the locals coming by to check that we hadn’t lost our leads on the moors after they had found a pair when walking themselves. But most of all, not seeing a constant stream of walkers and dog walkers come and go from sunrise to sunset. Having a parkup just for ourselves for the day. A level of solitude that a Finn will crave after some time in more populated regions.