Uh no thanks. (BTW, 102F is 39C for us Europeans.) I’d rather stick to a maximum of the high-80s (in Fahrenheit, about 30C). That would keep the waters warm. Though the end of this week seems to be OK (in the high 70s, or 25C).
Only 39C? Such small numbers can’t depict the ooze of the 100s. ;-D I remember sunbathing in Helsinki at 16C … pretty cool!
4 vastausta artikkeliin “31.07.2006”
Oiiii … there’s the kive koira again! Great shot, Anna, Ramin! (Would you like 102F instead? I think not.)
Uh no thanks. (BTW, 102F is 39C for us Europeans.) I’d rather stick to a maximum of the high-80s (in Fahrenheit, about 30C). That would keep the waters warm. Though the end of this week seems to be OK (in the high 70s, or 25C).
Only 39C? Such small numbers can’t depict the ooze of the 100s. ;-D I remember sunbathing in Helsinki at 16C … pretty cool!
Ah, but we’ve saved the 100s for the saunas (that’s 100C).