
Pakkasista huolimatta ulkona on nyt kiva olla kun mie saan pitää Kassun takkia.


4 vastausta artikkeliin “09.02.2007”

  1. And you certainly look handsome in it! Are your brothers envious (or cold)?

  2. ah! simple, my dear watson! i am sherlock, in a clever disguise, as it were!

  3. Flippe may be a bit envious (it is Kassu’s coat after all), but neither one of them is really cold.

    We do love Jalo, but Sherlock he ain’t.

  4. Pojat! Olen palannut mammalomalta kotiin. Jahka tässä kotiudun, tulen tapaamaan teitäkin.

Do you still remember these moments?