
Vaikka Flippe on jo pari kertaa ulahtanut kivusta noustessaan tai liikkuessaan, mukaan mahtuu vielä hyviäkin päiviä.

P.S. Romppu suosittelee


2 vastausta artikkeliin “05.03.2009”

  1. Is Flippe ok? I hope so, I may have missed a comment.

  2. @Tommy: Flippe has hip dysplasia that has started to bother him lately. We wrote about it e.g. here: https://lifeofjalo.com/2009/01/13/ and https://lifeofjalo.com/2009/01/14/ and https://lifeofjalo.com/2009/02/03/ (and some other days 🙂 )

Do you still remember these moments?