
Lukan ja Sulon lumiraportti: Eipä ole tämän enempää… Myö tarvitaan lisää. Voisivatko ystävämme Jenkeissä ja Kanadassa lähettää meille lisää?


4 vastausta artikkeliin “12.12.2009”

  1. We’re from Canada! (Saskatchewan) We don’t have much snow right now, but it’s sure cold… -45. BRRRR.

  2. Sorry, no snow in Florida….ever

  3. @Tash: In Fahrenheit or Celsius? Our temperatures are going to plunge down to -20 C after the weekend, but with no snow on the ground the pipes may start freezing…

    @tommy: Maybe you could send us some of that Florida sunshine – without the heat – so that we’d get better photography weather.

  4. Unfortunately, that’s Celsius! I have a little terrier that is not too happy about going outside right now.

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