
Luka uudelleenmuotoilee kevythäkkiä näyttelypaikalla.


5 vastausta artikkeliin “06.08.2012”

  1. Dianna

    ”Oops, how did this happen?” Poor Luka. That is one mightly stress lick he is giving!

  2. R’s Mom

    Maybe a very heavy backpack pushed it over and Luka is being blamed … I remember a scape goat in our home many years ago was always ”Not Me”. Remember that ghost? 🙂

  3. Helen Bligh

    Give Luka a kiss

  4. @Dianna: Luka knows exactly what he is doing. If the whole crate wouldn’t have been anchored to the ground he would have enabled a break-out.

    @Mom: Luka is also quite good at the ”not me” 😉

    @Helen: Every day!

  5. Dianna

    Ah! Then his look must be because he has been sprung? He is still gorgeous!

Do you still remember these moments?