He doesn’t drool all that much, Luka is the worst before meals and Flippe in any other situation.
Sulo’s large flews are always moist though. His specialty is putting his head on your arm and sliding down along the side with one flew slowly making your arm all wet…
3 responses to “19.12.2007”
Oh, the perils of those floppy Golden flews! Does Sulo drool a bit more than his flatcoat brothers?
He doesn’t drool all that much, Luka is the worst before meals and Flippe in any other situation.
Sulo’s large flews are always moist though. His specialty is putting his head on your arm and sliding down along the side with one flew slowly making your arm all wet…
Kassu was THE drooler… If you put your hand in a pocket he started to drool enormously hoping to get a treat.