Chiccoxen Flibbertigibbet “Flippe” 23.08.2002 – 21.10.2009

A new star is twinkling in the sky.

Flippe’s hip dysplasia started bothering him three years ago. In January he was also diagnosed with spondylosis in several of his vertebrae in the lumbar region. Even though he was on daily pain killers for some time, his quality of life slowly deteriorated. Occasional cries of pain when getting up, loosing strength in his hind legs and dragging them, stumbling in the stairs… The last time he cried out in pain when getting up tore our hearts so much that we made the hardest of decisions – we let Flippe cross the rainbow bridge to a place where he can finally swim pain free and retrieve his frisbee. It was the hardest decision of our lives, but we now know that he is feeling better. During the last year Flippe’s character has also changed significantly. The former enthusiastic Officer in Blue had become timid and searched for safe havens. And we couldn’t even get him to play with us.

Flippe, thank you for seven years of unconditional friendship. You taught us so much and left a gaping hole in our life. You were a unique personality and there shall never be another one like you. Sleep well dear friend. We miss you so very much.


24 responses to “Chiccoxen Flibbertigibbet “Flippe” 23.08.2002 – 21.10.2009”

  1. Robin (and Spenser)

    When I read that Flippe had stopped playing, I ached for you and your pack. Please accept my condolences for your heartbreaking loss. I’m sure that Flippe is mouthing Kassu’s ear right now and letting Roni ride on his back.

  2. @Robin: 😀 Thanks. You made us laugh.

  3. i am truly sorry for your loss. i will truly miss flippe…he was a real friend at times when i really needed one.
    i hope you guys are ok. i am sad, not for flippe, he’s not hurting anymore, but for you two. please hang in there. you are in our thoughts and prayers.


    bear & eeva

  4. I am so, so sorry….I have enjoyed the photos of and stories you have given us over the years of Flippe. Just know that “dog people” know how you feel and we share your hurt. Hang in there and God bless.

  5. Vapaa! – Mene rauhassa rakkain ystäväni, uutta käskyä ei enää tule.

  6. Voi Anna ja Ramin, päätös oli varmasti oikea, mutta luopuminen on aina tuskallista. Onneksi meillä on tuo mahdollisuus päästää parhaat ystävämme lepoon, kun aika on tullut.
    Paljon voimia sinne ja osaanotto suureen suruunne.

  7. Voimia Anna ja Ramin! Surullista. 🙁

    “Kun kaipaus ja ikävä
    polttaa niin, että satuttaa,
    kuuntele silloin sydäntäsi,
    joka kertoo sinulle,
    että se oli onnea ja iloa parhaimmillaan,
    ja nyt muistot ovat kauneinta
    mitä sinulla on.”

  8. Heli, Tosca ja Sylvi

    Osanottomme suuressa surussa!

  9. Osanotot suuressa surussanne. Flippe oli suuri koira ja sellaisen menettäminen sattuu aina. Voimia.

    ” olen tuskista vapaa ja mukana tuulen,
    saan kulkea rajalla ajattomuuden.
    Olen kimallus tähden, olen pilven lento,
    olen kasteisen aamun pisara hento.
    En ole poissa vaan luoksenne saavun, mukana jokaisen
    nousevan aamun ja jokaisen tummuvan illan myötä
    toivotan teille hyvää yötä.”

  10. Voimahalaus!
    Nyt on Flipen jalka taas keveä.

  11. Michelle, Baxter & Finley

    We are so sorry to hear your news. Big hugs are sent to you from the bad boys.

  12. Osanottoni!

    On vielä itselläkin niin tuoreessa muistissa, että miltä tuntuu tehdä se vaikein päätös. Voimia teille molemmille!

  13. Voi Anna ja Ramin,

    olen niin hirvittävän pahoillani. En osaa sanoa oikeita sanoja, mutta tiedättehän, että olen surussa mukana.

  14. Dear Anna & Ramin

    You did a brave thing for your friend.

    Even though my Jim is only downstairs, every day in my office upstairs I look at your site to see what the gang are up to. Today, I will treasure Jim’s company even more.

    Jim is only 4 years old. But … when those all-too-human time-aware thoughts cross my mind … I banish the maudlin by remembering what flatocats teach us. It is a good lesson:-
    “Eat it now! Play now! Out now! Love me now!” –
    because there is only today. All else is human sophistry.

    Flippe’s love for you lives in today, & does not die. You gave him a wonderful life, & his love is there for you for all the rest of your todays.

    Bless you,

  15. gettiz

    Oi ei! En muista olenko koskaan mitään kommentoinut, mutta olen seurannut LoJ:a kolmisen vuotta. Ja kummasti nyt tämä ilmoitus saa minut kyyneliin.

    Hyvää matkaa Flippelle. Ja rapsutuksia muille karvaisille!

  16. Osanottomme. Nyt on Pippurin hyvä ja kivuton olla. Päätös on aina raskas, mutta se vain on pakko tehdä, kun pilke silmissä sanoo, ettei enää jaksa ja ole hyvä olla. Kiitos, kun kävitte meillä viikonloppuna Flipen kanssa. Ystävää emme unohda koskaan!

  17. Imma + 5 Rekawuffls

    I see Flippe aleady frolicking with Kassu on the lush green meadows, forever playing with his beloved frisbee. What a terrible loss! This beautiful flat had a gorgeous life in your family, sharing so many adventures with you and his pack. His love for you will remain here forever. I’ll light a candle in memory of this outstanding dog who now has arrived in the safest place.

  18. mari&co

    Osanottoni..voimia kovasti teille kaikille. Vaikea päätös on niin tuoreessa muistissa vielä itselläkin:(

  19. heli ja jussi

    Surussa mukana. Flipen vauhdikkaita ja terveitä aikoja muistellen.

    Heli, Jussi ja blondit

  20. Mari, Frida & co

    Lämmin osanotto täältä Helsingistäkin, Suuria Persoonia tosiaan. Onneksi muistot jää.

  21. Doriene Mulder

    We are truly sorry for your great loss of a great friend. This Poem is for Flippe:

    God saw you were getting tired

    And a cure was not to be.

    So he put His arms around you.

    And whispered:”Come to me.”

    With fearful eyes we watched you.

    And saw you slip away.

    Although we loved you dearly.

    We could not make you stay.

    A golden heart stopped beating.

    Hard, working paws at rest.

    God broke our hearts to prove us.

    He only takes the best…….

  22. Kati ja koiruudet

    Osanotot täältäkin ja voimia!

  23. Alex V.

    Ramin, Anna, I am so sorry for your loss. Flippe seemed like such a wonderful boy. Sending healing thoughts your way.

  24. LadyKoira


Do you still remember these moments?