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4 vastausta artikkeliin “11.02.2012”

  1. What a corker.
    Lovely wee series – thanks guys!

    Stay warm … over here (Wales) it’s now warm enough that Jim had his MAJOR haircut yesterday.
    Looks v smart & has gotta be more comfortable than the Hobbit paws & trouser-dreadlocks he’s been sporting. But oh! the 90-minute Professional Glare of Sorrow & Reproach as we each endured the trauma …


  2. @Rachel: Topi is quite skilled in trying to steal gloves, scarves etc. Once he almost strangled Anna when he grabbed a lead that was around Anna’s shoulders…

    Our boys mostly tend to fall asleep while being groomed and compete for the privilege of being allowed on the grooming table.

  3. @ramin

    Oh, Jim would NEVER steal.
    That assortment of ill-gotten gains tucked behind his bed is just … being saved.
    Unlike any edible evidence!

  4. @Rachel: 😀

    Topi’s explanation is that he’s just helping us by picking things up and carrying them around.

Do you still remember these moments?