
Jalo-report: Even though Jalo’s enthusiasm for the daily walks remains, he tires very quickly.

Even after a short walk of a few hundred metres, he looks very tired – and often starts limping.


3 responses to “19.12.2010”

  1. Minna, Martti & VV

    Mikä Jalolla on? Kovasti paljon rapsutuksia kuuraparralle 🙂

  2. huh? what’s going on? jalo is the energizer bunny of the family! this doesn’t sound good…

  3. Jalolla oli epäilty revähdys, mutta nyt kun fysikaalinen hoito ja lepo ei näytä parantavan asiaa, pitää tilannetta tutkia tarkemmin.

    Jalo had a suspected muscle sprain, but now that physical therapy and rest haven’t helped we’ll have to investigate it further.

Do you still remember these moments?