Category: General

  • 26.07.2024


    20 years since Jalo was born. We are really approaching the 20th anniversary of the blog rapidly. It’s only eight weeks away.

  • 25.07.2024


    No more shallow puddles of sweet water for us. We’re back at the sea baby!

  • 24.07.2024


    After a nice long swim on a hot day it’s time for a nice rubdown with the towel.

  • 23.07.2024


    The chase is on

  • 22.07.2024


    Finally water deep enough to swim in! The Curonian Lagoon is an interesting body of water. It’s quite big but very shallow with a maximum depth of under six meters. So no wonder it took us ages to walk far enough from the shore to be able to swim.

  • 21.07.2024


    There are all kinds of explanations of what the different ear positions of a dogs mean. But can anyone tell us what it means when a retrievers flapping ears are rolled upwards?

  • 20.07.2024


    What is this odd place? We’ve walked a hundred meters from the shore and our paws still reach the bottom.

  • 19.07.2024


    Hurry up Anna! We see water.

  • 18.07.2024


    On our trip into the Baltics we once again found ourselves very close to the border between Lithuania and Russia at Kaliningrad. Kamu and Ramin were keeping a watchful eye on the border just in case.

  • 17.04.2024


    How do you know that your dog has spent too much time on construction sites? He tries to climb anything even remotely resembling a ladder…

  • 16.07.2024

    Sorry for being a day late updating. We were lost in the forest. Well, not really lost. We just went for a walk and kept coming up with new spots to go and explore in a new area for us. We had fun and the dogs got to swim. In swamps and ditches which lead…

  • 15.07.2024


    An excellent way to enjoy the summer heat. Swim.

  • 14.07.2024


    Even the Baltics have an abundance of castles and manor houses. Why don’t we have more of them in Finland?

  • 13.07.2024


    The heatwave continued and continued in late May and the boys – and humans – used every single body of water available to cool off.

  • 12.07.2024


    Admittedly, a large head of Lenin was not something we would have expected to find…

  • 11.07.2024


    The Baltics have interesting remnants and relics of the Soviet era for exploration. Here we are at an old Soviet nuclear missile base in front of one of the hangars where the warheads and launchsystems were stored.

  • 10.07.2024


    Our crossing of the Gulf of Finland seemed to trigger something since the temperatures changed from fairly cool for May to an absolute heatwave nearly overnight.

  • 09.07.2024


    We’ll jump from the photos from last autumn to our late spring and early summer trip to the Baltics. After an uncommonly warm April, May had started out really cool and since Ramin had a few work trips in Southern Finland and the Baltics we decided to pack up the van, drop Eino off at…

  • 08.07.2024


    Summer fun in the water and a weird little tongue monster

  • 07.07.2024


    Three years without Topi. We so miss Ramin’s shadow.

  • 06.07.2024


    On the border between Latvia and Estonia our heater stopped working, yet again. With the night temperatures plunging to below zero we had to get everything in the van setup for winter travel and managed to survive waking up in the morning with a cool +8°C in the van. It actually ended up taking us…

  • 05.07.2024


    And from Latvia we made our way into Estonia for the next weekend and another dog show. And we got to enjoys rainy Tallinn for a few days.

  • 04.07.2024


    From Western Germany we made our way quite quickly through the rest of Germany, Poland and Lithuania to end up in Latvia for a couple of dogs shows which we reported already told you about when they happened last October. The lingering summer heat of Normandy had really disappeared by then. But at least the…

  • 03.07.2024


    The reason for our stop at the garage? Well our heater was not getting any fuel and we needed to get the fuel tank dropped to investigate the problem. And hopefully fix it. And it was fixed.

  • 02.07.2024


    After Cologne we visited a garage in a smaller German city where they built and repaired campervans. And had traveled around the world, including South America, in their own vehicle with their flatcoat.

  • 01.07.2024


    Kamu, Kulo and Anna in front of the Cologne Catherdral

  • 30.06.2024


    The director and the photographer

  • 29.06.2024


    Anna and Kamu found a very big tree somewhere in Belgium.

  • 28.06.2024


    Anna and her passion for photographing old doors means that Kamu ends up in front of them quite often as well.

  • 27.06.2024


    Even though we were heading towards home, we didn’t hurry back and spent some time exploring smaller French towns along the way.

  • 26.06.2024


    Kulo posing in Etretat

  • 25.06.2024


    Kamu and Anna in Etretat

  • 24.06.2024


    Our final moments on the coast of Normandy before turning the nose of our van towards the east and starting to make our way back to Finland.

  • 23.06.2024


    Anna and Kamu, and Ramin and the boys on the beaches of Normandy.

  • 22.06.2024


    Midsummer – time for swimming and shaking off the water.

  • 21.06.2024


    Kamu in the midsummer smoke sauna. Happy midsummer!

  • 20.06.2024


    Evening walks and sunsets on the beach

  • 19.06.2024


    And the final photo from here – another family portrait since we finally remembered to take two during this trip.

  • 18.06.2024


    Kulo serving as a test model…

  • 17.06.2024


    Two little flatcoats and a very famous monastery.

  • 16.06.2024


    In addition to being really used to modeling in front of the camera, our boys are often quite patient in waiting behind the camera for other photography to happen as well.

  • 15.04.2024


    Even after the sun has set, the sea side is a magical place to run along the beach.

  • 14.06.2024


    Enjoying sunset on the beach.

  • 13.06.2024


    Kamu: Sand? What sand?

  • 12.06.2024


    The scene from in front of the camera and to the side.

  • 11.06.2024


    When we were wandering the coast of Brittany last autumn Kulo discovered the joy that is mussles. Yes, he eats them. With the shell if he can’t get them open otherwise. He will actively now search for them on the sea shore…

  • 10.06.2024


    Beach walks in Brittany, part 2

  • 09.06.2024


    Beach walks in Brittany

  • 08.06.2024


    Somewhere in France

  • 07.06.2024


    Kamu thinking how much cooler it would be if the lion statues surrounding the gateway to the chateau were actually flatcoats. The chateau in all it’s glory spanning across the whole river.

  • 06.06.2024


    Today marks the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy. Last autumn we had a chance to visit the area and we explored both Omaha and Utah Beaches. Here Ramin and the boys are making their own landing on Omaha Beach just below the cliffs from the American cemetery and under the watchful eye…

  • 05.06.2024


    Anna, Kamu, Kulo and the Chateau de Chenonceau

  • 04.06.2024


    Anna and Kamu enjoying a view of the chateau straddling the river.

  • 03.06.2024


    The chateau and its master

  • 02.06.2024


    Chateau gardens. A prime example of owners who have too much free time on their hands. Or lots of hired help. It’s exhausting to think of the amount of time gardening them takes.

  • 01.06.2024


    Autumn flowers in the spring. Sure, Paris is an interesting city for the humans to visit, but for big country dogs it isn’t all that interesting. Although we did find a nice big park in which to walk them. After a week of Ramin’s work in Paris we headed first into Orleans and then further…

  • 31.05.2024


    We couldn’t leave the Eiffel Tower without a family photo, now could we?

  • 30.05.2024


    After the weekend of shows we had to be in Paris by Monday afternoon. We drove into France, spent Sunday afternoon and early Monday in Champaign country sleeping in a vineyard and then braved the traffic to Paris a bit after noon. Our campground was a 6 kilometer walk from the Eiffel Tower, so of…

  • 29.05.2024


    After the long day of driving we’d found a spot for the night just barely inside Germany but only 15 kilometres from the site of the shows in the Netherlands. We’ve reported on the shows way back when so no recapping that here. By this time both were already extremely experienced vandogs.

  • 28.05.2024


    When a cafe is made out of an old VW Kombi, you simply must stop for a cup.

  • 27.05.2024


    After we woke up somewhere in the German countryside near Puttgarten we started to make our way towards southern Netherlands and a dog show there. We had a long day of driving ahead of us but still had the time to go for a stroll in the center of Bremen where Ramin had spent two…

  • 26.05.2024


    We only spent the single day in Copenhagen and continued our drive south heading to Rødby to catch the late night ferry to Germany. This ferry was Kulo’s 15th at the time and he matched his age in months with the number of ferry journeys.

  • 25.5.2024


    From Stockholm we drove through the night after the workday ended and woke up in the outskirts of Copenhagen the next morning where Anna and the boys spent the day by a lake while Ramin was dealing with more work stuff.

  • 24.05.2024


    Stockholm last autumn was also showing the colors of Ukraine in various places as a sign of solidarity.

  • 23.05.2024


    We ended up in a city which smelled quite familiar to Kulo, after all it is where we picked him up from his breeder. Of course we are talking about Stockholm. We stayed there for a few days and explored parts of the citry while Ramin had some work stuff to deal with.

  • 22.05.2024


    You know, we’ve yet to tell you about a trip we took last autumn. We started off by boarding a ferry in the evening – one of those that you are on long enough that we all had a cabin that we shared. And woke up the next morning to a very foggy morning.

  • 21.05.2024


    Eastern Finland does not hide whose side they are on.

  • 20.05.2024


    The pier of the country bumpkins. That’s pretty much what the sign says.

  • 19.05.2024


    The amount of adventures and new experiences while traveling in the van tends to tire a little flatcoat out. 

  • 18.05.2024


    One of our favorite places for a city walk with the boys is the harbor of Lappeenranta. 

  • 17.05.2024


    Of course no visit to the Southeast corner of Finland is complete without a stops at our favorite coffee roasters, Lehmus.

  • 16.05.2024


    Kulo also got to pose along the anti-tank installations. And a wider view of the anti-tank installations.

  • 15.05.2024


    Salpalinja is a very long series of fortifications that was built from 1940 onwards across Eastern Finland and consists of series of trenches and different types of bunkers, entrenchments etc. The sight that pretty much every Finn will recognize is these anti-tank installations that still dot the countryside and forests across Eastern Finland.

  • 14.05.2024


    On our trip down south to the show we also continued the exploration of the fortrifications left over from various wars across Europe. Since we were in Eastern Finland we were again exploring parts Salpalinja – the final defensive line during World War 2 that was luckily never used.

  • 13.05.2024


    Last weekend we drove to Southern Finland to Loviisa for a dog show. Kulo’s first after turning two and he was placed as second best male and he got the last CAC he needed from Finland. Now he needs to qualify for the field to gain his Finnish Champion title. There is a reason why…

  • 12.05.2024


    Happy Mother’s Day!

  • 11.05.2024


    Not all training is done with game. We’ve been taking our dummies out quite a bit as well.

  • 10.05.2024


    And a very proud brown job.

  • 09.05.2024


    Proud dog and happy handler

  • 08.05.2024


    No ditch is too small to go for a splash and get even a bit wet.

  • 07.05.2024


    Just hanging out here enjoying the water. And if you look closely, the meltwater has brought the thistles out from hiding as well.

  • 06.05.2024


    Overflowing ditches mean lots of opportunities for swimming and finding treasures in the water.

  • 05.05.2024


    It’s not always just Kulo that is the one chasing Eino and being annoying. Sometimes it’s the other way around.

  • 04.05.2024


    And to continue our birthday week we once again have a veteran in the house with Eino turning 8 today!

  • 03.05.2025


    Continue the sentence: Running into the weekend like…

  • 02.05.2024


    The final spots of snow on the shade of the birch forests. It’s always amazing how quickly the snow melts and spring takes over.

  • 01.05.2024


    Happy May Day! We’ve celebrated it by exploring the overflowing ditches and enjoying the open fields with no snow to slow us down.

  • 30.04.2024


    This little one turns two already! Where has time gone? Our Plan B has really lived up to his kennelname of Miss Mallorys Exciting Roundtrip by spending over a quarter of his life already living vanlife instead of houselife. Happy birthday Kulo!

  • 29.04.2024


    In addition to the dummies we’ve been melting the training game from our freezer to wake up the retrievers’ senses.

  • 28.04.2024


    The bumpers are out and it’s time to train!

  • 27.04.2024


    The last winter photo for a while. While we’ve been going through the archives and fixing issues we’ve been reading about the last year of Flippe’s life and the way his behavior changed due to pain. Many of the changes and behaviors are what we see in Eino as well, they have many of the…

  • 26.04.2024


    Possibly one of the most challenging subjects for the autofocus of a camera and lens: a black flatcoat coming directly towards you at full speed.

  • 25.04.2024


    A few more snowy pictures coming up before go back to the snowless and muddy fields. We also noticed that there are several issues with the posts that we imported. Some have working thumbnails and missing images when opened and some are the opposite. We are fixing it, but it will still take a few…

  • 24.04.2024


    In honor of the day of dog in Finland, fresh passport photos of the whole pack.

  • 23.04.2024


    The current rain has pretty much washed away the snow that fell over the weekend. But we won’t go to the muddy season in our photos yet.

  • 22.04.2024


    We’re still in the middle of an uncommon cold spell even though a lot of the snowfall from the other day has already melted. But the ditches are frozen over again.

  • 21.04.2024


    While Kulo is quite the pest when it comes to Eino, they really are good friends and we can see that Eino has missed having a black pillow.

  • 20.04.2024


    We interrupt spring with a snow storm that dumped over 10 cm of fresh snow on us. Not that the flatcoats mind.

  • 19.04.2024


    Eino: Nope. Not going in there. Those flatcoats are plain crazy.

  • 18.04.2024


    Post swim shakes. And in case you were wondering, Kulo is finding his inner flatcoat more and more and will also swim among the ice in the meltwater.

  • 17.04.2024


    In a bit over a week we lost pretty much all of our snow and the low lying fields are covered in water to the delight of the flatcoats.

  • 16.04.2024


    Maybe the last snowfall pictures of the season? Or maybe not. Let’s see how the spring progresses.

  • 15.04.2024


    And a flying flatcoat with a retro lens.

  • 14.04.2024


    Getting the focus right on a moving dog with a manual focus lens is a bit of a challenge. But every now and then we manage to get it right enough. And yes, the new lens is quite fun. Especially when we catch expressions like this:

  • 13.04.2024


    We took the lens we used for our Christmas portraits out during a sunny day to see how it works outside when there is lots of light. And it didn’t disappoint. It has a character that an optically perfect lens just doesn’t have and gives the photos a certain feel. Sure, like many novelty lenses…

  • 12.04.2024


    An attempt at a speedy run-by kiss.

  • 11.04.2024


    For some reason Eino decided to make a sudden change in direction…

  • 10.04.2024


    Post swim shakes and rolls for Eino. This time deserved.

  • 09.04.2024


    The melting snow and ice on the ditches means that the flatcoats get to swim and Eino suddenly finds himself forced to swim.

  • 08.04.2024


    Eino and his camouflage.

  • 07.04.2024


    An early April cold spell has meant that most of Kamu’s swimming holes have frozen over and just small little holes remain for him to get wet in. But even the smallest hole will do fine.

  • 06.04.2024


    Kulo and a little treasure he found from under the melting snow.

  • 05.04.2024


    We took Kulo for his official x-rays for health checks and got the results yesterday. And they could not have been better: hips A/A, elbows 0/0 and knees 0/0. It’s funny how there is always quite a bit of anxiety before the x-rays are taken and especially during the time between the x-rays being taken…

  • 04.04.2024


    Break the ice and swim. Topi did it first and Kamu learned his lessons well.

  • 03.04.2024


    Well, the move is now done, but there’s still a lot of remodeling to do.

  • 02.04.2024


    We are wondering if one of the reasons for the poor performance of our new site could be the reason that we have a fully bilingual site and most free platforms don’t really do multilingual sites with a lot of content well. What do you think of this approach where we have both languages in…

  • 01.04.2024


    Our digital move is taking way longer than expected. Let alone that we still need to do some remodeling as well. We are having some issues with the performance of our new platform which is causing issues. Looks like our resident nerd needs to get cracking.

  • 31.03.2024


    Our digital move is still ongoing so things will definitely be weird around here. A lot of old stuff is still missing and links on the new site will definitely not work. But we are working on it. Transfering over 7000 blog posts doesn’t happen very quickly.

  • 30.03.2024


    We are moving the digital home of Life of Jalo currently so things may look a bit off here on the site for a while. At the same time we are revamping the whole platform and going from a home grown approach to running on WordPress. So some things might not work like they have…

  • 29.03.2024


    Happy, happy Easter and enjoy the long weekend! At least in Finland we have a four day weekend…

  • 28.03.2024


    Kamu finally got some mail from Belgium and his C.I.B and C.I.E titles have finally been confirmed. Kamu finally got some mail from Belgium and his C.I.B and C.I.E titles have finally been confirmed.

  • 27.03.2024


    Kamu’s swimming hole has frozen.

  • 26.03.2024


    Eino: Those crazy flatcoats and their running around forests looking for hidden dummies.

  • 25.03.2024


    Some training with Kamu. The snow cover is finally firm enough that we can consider doing some training in the forests.

  • 24.03.2024


    Eyes on spring, but not willing to let go of the snow either.

  • 23.03.2024


    You remember Kamu looking handsome a few days ago? Well…

  • 22.03.2024


    Eino is getting so grey. And it’s happening quite quickly. We can’t wait for him to have a white face.

  • 21.03.2024


    And just so you don’t forget, Kamu already looks very much like an adult.

  • 20.03.2024


    Kulo is starting to look like a grown up. At least every now and then.

  • 19.03.2024


    Kulo: I’m a good boy. Oh yes I am.

  • 18.03.2024


    We found a tree in the middle of the pond.

  • 17.03.2024


    Fleeting moments of stillness and looking handsome before it is time to become a lovable goofball again. He really has inherited many of Luka’s habits.

  • 16.03.2024


    Catkins, a sure sign of the approaching spring.

  • 15.03.2024


    Eino running from the devil, aka Kulo.

  • 14.03.2024


    Shake it baby, shake it!

  • 13.03.2024


    It’s been a while since we’ve last had a flying Miss Mallorys dog in our photographs.

  • 12.03.2024


    Playtime looks very rough at times, but so far we have no cuts or scrapes.

  • 11.03.2024


    Someone is very sure of himself.

  • 10.03.2024


    We have impact! We have impact! We have impact! We have impact!

  • 09.03.2024


    Hit the breaks, collision imminent.

  • 08.03.2024


    Happy International Women’s Day! The boys have all been taking care of the only woman in our pack.

  • 07.03.2024


    Eino rolls around in the snow so rarely that Kulo had to run over to see what on earth he was doing.

  • 06.03.2024


    It’s hard to believe that Kulo is just two months shy of turning two years old.

  • 05.03.2024


    An old weathered log wall is a perfect backdrop for photos. Even if the boys haven’t seen a pair of scissors for ages.

  • 04.03.2024


    Eino is getting more and more grey in his face. We can’t wait for his whole face to be white. Eino is getting more and more grey in his face. We can’t wait for his whole face to be white.

  • 03.03.2024


    Training with the little one.

  • 02.03.2024


    Kamu the building inspector hard at work

  • 01.03.2024
  • 29.02.2024


    Leaping into spring…

  • 28.02.2024


    The joy of a hard crust on the snow and how it feels when rolling around. The joy of a hard crust on the snow and how it feels when rolling around. The joy of a hard crust on the snow and how it feels when rolling around. The joy of a hard crust on…

  • 27.02.2024


    Sometimes it feels like the boys will do anything to avoid being in a posed photograph… Sometimes it feels like the boys will do anything to avoid being in a posed photograph… Sometimes it feels like the boys will do anything to avoid being in a posed photograph…

  • 26.02.2024


    Sometimes the stars do not align in an attempt to get a photo of the whole gang.

  • 25.02.2024


    Kulo: Can I come give you a kiss?

  • 24.02.2024


    Success! Eino is getting more and more grey.

  • 23.02.2024


    Try to take a solo photo of Eino and what do you get? Two flatcoats trying to hog the lens…

  • 22.02.2024


    Kamu: What are you doing down there? Kamu: Do you need a lick?

  • 21.02.2024


    We are in the middle of a patch of grey weather with no sunshine in sight. So enjoy this playsession from a few weeks ago.

  • 20.02.2024


    Despite the recent snowfall that buried most of our paths there were some spots in the forest where remains of the paths could be seen and the boys didn’t sink to the tops of their backs.

  • 19.02.2024


    Kamu imitating a fox

  • 18.02.2024


    We just realised that since we left Finland last year in the middle of winter and jumped straight into snowless spring in England, this will be Kulo’s first real spring.

  • 17.02.2024


    We just got 30 cm (12 inches) or so of fresh snow that turned to rain so we lost all the paths we’ve made in the forest and it looks like there might be some tiring walks in front of us until we get new paths made.

  • 16.02.2024


    Sunset playtime

  • 15.02.2024


    Eino, you better watch your six. You are under observation.

  • 14.02.2024


    Happy Valentine’s Day! Or friendship day as it is celebrated in Finland.

  • 13.02.2024


    What is that we spy in the distance? Maybe hints of spring?

  • 12.02.2024


    Let’s take a lie down for this one… Our site is running on a completely custom platform and we just found out that the support for the development environment it is running on will be removed. So the humans, mainly Ramin, are hard at work finding a new home for the blog and converting all…

  • 11.02.2024


    Kulo: Give me scrathces!

  • 10.02.2024


    The fools and the master in the shadows

  • 09.02.2024


    Kulo searching for the adventures the weekend will bring.

  • 08.02.2024


    Heere’s Eino!

  • 07.02.2024


    Winter walks along the paths we’ve made. Winter walks along the paths we’ve made.

  • 06.02.2024


    1 2 3 Kamu: That didn’t hurt!

  • 05.02.2024


    Kulo: Why did you stay behind? Let me come and get you.

  • 04.02.2024


    Anna fell down, and of course there’s a flatcoat present to “help.”

  • 03.02.2024


    When did this happen? The little puppy has grown up.

  • 02.02.2024


    Today is Kamu’s gotcha day. Six years since we picked this little one up.

  • 01.02.2024


    Sniffing the tracks of wildlife

  • 31.01.2024


    The days are getting longer and longer and yesterday was the first time the sunlight felt warm again. There’s still plenty of winter and snow left (good for that), but the deepeset darkness is going away.

  • 30.01.2024


    And back to the present day and the “young ones” playing in the snow.

  • 29.01.2024


    It’s not a stick in Emil’s mouth this time… Today would have been Emil’s 13 birthday. He is on our minds.

  • 28.01.2024


    It’s election day – first round – for the next president of Finland. No, Kamu is not on the ballot. Our humans voted already last week in the pre-election period. Finland basically has a week of pre-election where there are voting locations all around (even in shopping malls) in addition to the main election day.…

  • 27.01.2024


    Those ears…

  • 26.01.2024


    18 years since this little one, our one and only Luka, was born. Even though he was our third flatcoat already he really taught us what a flatcoat should be like. And the fact that he was yellow had nothing at all to do with it.

  • 25.01.2024


    All three, sitting still for a moment.

  • 24.01.2024


    A happy moment with the puppy. A happy moment with the puppy.

  • 23.01.2024


    Both of the flatcoats with eyes on Anna. Note how Kulo is slightly leaning away from Kamu. Just to make sure Kamu knows he has his personal space 🙂

  • 22.01.2024


    The differences in what Kamu and Eino find interesting.Yes, Anna is just out of the frame to the left. Eino is looking towards a feeding spot for local wildlife.

  • 21.01.2024


    Kamu has inherited Topi’s passion to investigate every ditch along our walks to check if there a chance to get his paws wet. Or better yet go for a swim.

  • 20.01.2024


    Eyes on something. Or maybe nothing.

  • 19.01.2024


    We’ve had several instances of big fluffy movie snow during the last week. Even the strong winds during the last 24 hours hasn’t ruined the experience of powder which is very deep in places.

  • 18.01.2024


    The joy that a little stick can bring. Luckily Kulo is still satisfied with actually little sticks and not obsessed with finding ever bigger sticks.

  • 17.01.2024


    A frosty and snowy Kamu. The times we get big, movie snowflakes is rare enough that every moment has to be enjoyed.

  • 16.01.2024


    Borthers. It really is fun and rewarding to watch the interaction between Kamu and Kulo and the way their bond has grown.

  • 15.01.2024


    We’ve had two days of snowfall with some inches of wonderful powder covering all the existing snow.

  • 14.01.2024


    Single track lane. The snowfall we’ve received today has made all our paths disappear so we need to make new ones.

  • 13.01.2024


    We’ve had a long time without any fresh snow, so we have a good network of paths all over for the dogs to run on. Snow is falling now, so let’s see if we still have all these paths in a few days or not.

  • 12.01.2024


    It feels so good to have a winter with real cold and clear days. We’ve missed the low lying midday sun. It feels so good to have a winter with real cold and clear days. We’ve missed the low lying midday sun. It feels so good to have a winter with real cold and clear…

  • 11.01.2024


    The days are getting longer, but the sun is still so low than we can’t feel its warming rays yet.

  • 10.01.2024


    A vintage Eino. And an update. Despite a scare early in December he has been doing quite well and is healthy and lively. So at the moment everything is good after the scare we had a year ago.

  • 09.01.2024


    Traditionally epiphany is the day in Finland to take down the Christmas decorations. We’ve missed that date. It’s the day we start discussing taking the decorations down. But Kamu tried to start already.

  • 08.01.2024


    What would winters in the north be without long dark nights?

  • 07.01.2024


    Based on the forecast today should be the last day of very cold temperatures. It has already gone up from the -30°C in the morning to a relatively warm -20 by the time we went for our walk! Based on the forecast today should be the last day of very cold temperatures. It has already…

  • 06.01.2024


    Woohoo! After several days of over -30°C it was only -25 today and it felt almost warm.

  • 05.01.2024


    Luckily before this cold spell started and after the last heavy snowfall the neghbors snowmobile has been out and we also managed to make our own paths in the snow. It’s a lot easier for the dogs when they can choose their own pace and don’t have to dig their way through the soft snow…

  • 04.01.2024


    A rare photobomb from Eino.

  • 03.01.2024


    Eino for the start of the year. Because of the cold, not all of the white or grey on his snout is due to his age.

  • 02.01.2024


    Well, it’s been a very cold start for the year. The temperature dropped to -30°C during the night but luckily came up to -20°C by the time we walked the dogs. The coats are on and the walks are shorter than usual. Despite the beauty of it all, we have to keep our time out…

  • 01.01.2024


    Happy New Year! We’ve started the new year with a brisk -22°C and a nice walk in the sunshine.

  • 31.12.2023


    Our boys message to everyone shooting off fireworks this new years eve.

  • 30.12.2023


    Both November and December were very grey and walks even in the low lying sun were a rarity. Of course it means we got a good amount of snow, but we’ve missed the sun.

  • 29.12.2023


    Is that another long weekend we see peeking around the corner? Is that another long weekend we see peeking around the corner?

  • 28.12.2023


    Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean that playtime is over.

  • 27.12.2023


    When it comes to snow, we’ve had an absolutely wonderful year. At the moment we have over 40 cm (14″) of snow which means lots of fun in the snow. And of course it also meant that the muddy season of fall was short.

  • 26.12.2023


    And the final Christmas portrait with Eino the Sailor. That Christmas hat looks more like a sailor hat on Eino’s head. And a smattering of Kulo as well.

  • 25.12.2023


    Continuing the official portraits with Kulo.

  • 24.12.2023


    Let’s start the official Christmas portraits with the leader of the pack, Kamu.

  • 23.12.2023


    Merry Christmas from all of us to all of you!

  • 22.12.2023


    Kulo: Snow? What snow? I wasn’t eating any snow.

  • 21.12.2023


    A quick jump from summer to winter so that at least the photos around Christmas don’t look out of place. We will start publishing our photos from our autumn trip after the new year.

  • 20.12.2023


    Playtime once again. Or on every walk, at least if Kulo is asked. Playtime once again. Or on every walk, at least if Kulo is asked. Playtime once again. Or on every walk, at least if Kulo is asked.

  • 19.12.2023


    Flatcoats and running free. The joy of simple things in life.

  • 18.12.2023


    Playing chase the setter

  • 17.12.2023


    How about we run through the rest of our summer photos before Christmas?

  • 16.12.2023
  • 15.12.2023


    And the final picture of the summer flowers, Kamu in the magenta. And the final picture of the summer flowers, Kamu in the magenta.

  • 14.12.2023


    Yet another throwback and Eino in the summer. For some reason he always ends up being photographed next to anything close to red in color.

  • 13.12.2023


    A throwback to summer and Kulo among the summer flowers. A throwback to summer and Kulo among the summer flowers.

  • 12.12.2023


    No one seems to know exactly when you can start using the term Multi Champion for your dog, but we decided that with Kamu he probably can, after all he has nine. So he got a rosette for it 🙂

  • 11.12.2023


    14 years ago Topi was born. We still miss him so, but hope that he and Luka as well as all the rest enjoy romping around somewhere over the rainbow bridge. 14 years ago Topi was born. We still miss him so, but hope that he and Luka as well as all the rest enjoy…

  • 10.12.2023


    Swimming for a bumper in the rain. It’s always so much fun to watch a flatcoat at work, be it training or hunting. Swimming for a bumper in the rain. It’s always so much fun to watch a flatcoat at work, be it training or hunting.

  • 09.12.2023


    While Eino may avoid going out for a quick pee when it’s raining he is as enthusiastic as the others in going out for a walk.

  • 08.12.2023


    Rain? Who cares about rain?

  • 07.12.2023


    Water drops dripping from the chins of wet flatcoats. Such a familiar sight.

  • 06.12.2023


    It feels so weird to say that Kamu turns 6 today. We still remember driving towards Ramin’s parents place for a independence day meal and getting the message from Poland that the litter is born and there are several males in the litter for us to choose from. And then the wait of eight weeks…

  • 05.12.2023


    There is no place or environment that isn’t suitable for a roll. Expect maybe the asphalt jungle of the cities.

  • 04.12.2023


    A little retriever and his bumper. Some training for Kulo with distractions, a.k.a Anna and Kamu training a bit further away. A little retriever and his bumper. Some training for Kulo with distractions, a.k.a Anna and Kamu training a bit further away.

  • 03.12.2023


    Eino: Crocodiles? Who said crocodiles? I’m staying away from the wet, scary water.

  • 02.12.2023


    Is it a pine log? A brown crocodile? Or just Kamu?

  • 01.12.2023


    Kulo walking, or rather running, in Topi’s footsteps with his mouth wide open and tongue out.

  • 30.11.2023


    Continuing from yesterday’s theme, this bison was bought in Yellowstone ten years ago. And it still has its snout and eyes. Let alone the tail.

  • 29.11.2023


    There are very few moments inside when the flatcoats don’t have toys in their mouths. We’d love to buy some new toys but they are so soft mouthed that we still have many toys from the puppytimes of Luka and Sulo still left.

  • 28.11.2023


    Eino trying to hide from the black setter-seeking missile that may come from any direction.

  • 27.11.2023


    A wistful look back at the weekend and spending the days outside instead of moonlight walks after work.

  • 26.11.2023


    While Eino enjoys his rest on his couch, the flatcoats like to get some cuddles. And for once they may even sit still to enjoy some cuddles.

  • 25.11.2023


    Rest is needed after all that romping around by the swamps and ponds.

  • 24.11.2023


    It’s so great to follow how Kulo interacts differently with different dogs. Kamu is clearly the boss. Someone to be clearly subservient towards. You can clearly see it in Kulo’s body language in these photos. Eino on the other hand? Well he’s Kulo’s toy… It’s so great to follow how Kulo interacts differently with different…

  • 23.11.2023


    A swimming Kamu. The older he gets the more his coat is starting to resemble that of Topi. Especially that little bunch of fur right at the end of his head. What we used to call Topi’s devil horns…

  • 22.11.2023


    We rarely talk about gear here, but one of the absolute benefits of getting a mirrorless camera (can’t really call them DSLRs anymore) is the fact that you can actually shoot by using the rear display and not the optical viewfinder. Being able to change the angle of the display allows you to shoot from…

  • 21.11.2023


    Eino and a flatcoat zooming by. Getting pictures of Eino alone is often quite challenging since the flatcoats are real lens hogs.

  • 20.11.2023


    He can look extremely goofy, but there are moments where he really knows how to show himself as the handsome dog that he is. He can look extremely goofy, but there are moments where he really knows how to show himself as the handsome dog that he is. He can look extremely goofy, but there…

  • 19.11.2023


    Kulo’s water art

  • 18.11.2023


    The three faces of a shaking flatcoat The three faces of a shaking flatcoat The three faces of a shaking flatcoat

  • 17.11.2023


    The happiness of a flatcoat by the water with free permission to swim.

  • 16.11.2023


    Eino is still a bit unsure whether the water is warm enough for a swim or not. Admittedly, this picture was taken in the end of July and the water was plenty warm…

  • 15.11.2023


    A tired Anna and Kamu napping at a friend’s place on our way back home.

  • 14.11.2023


    Puddles, graffiti and a handsome dog. Quite a combination.

  • 13.11.2023


    After the three days of shows in the countryside near Tartu and boondocking in the woods for over a week we went for a walk in a new part of Tallinn while waiting for the ferry back to Finland. Old wooden houses, cute coffee shops and a relaxing walks without too many tourists.

  • 12.11.2023


    Our summer trip in the Baltics was concluded by three shows in Estonia. The day before the shows while walking the dogs in the countryside a dog attacked from a fenced yard where the gate was open and despite our attempts to block it from reaching our boys it managed to bite Kulo’s tail. After…

  • 11.11.2023


    During a heatwave it is so important to manage the temperature in the van. Because we like wildcamping and do think a generator belongs to wildcamping air conditioning is out of the question. So the ability to have the doors open, with mosquito nets since we are in mosquito area, and several fans to facilitate…

  • 10.11.2023


    Our summer trip to the Baltics was accompanied by a heatwave. We stayed away from the coast – except for a stop in Pärnu – and mostly hung out in various wildcamping spots by bodies of water so that we could swim. Our summer trip to the Baltics was accompanied by a heatwave. We stayed…

  • 09.11.2023


    Yes, of course the boys got to swim in the Salaca river. In fact, it was warm enough that Anna also went for a swim. Without the boys though. Yes, of course the boys got to swim in the Salaca river. In fact, it was warm enough that Anna also went for a swim. Without…

  • 08.11.2023


    The walk was wonderful, but we were reminded of what it is like to walk dogs in tick infested areas once we got back to the van. We took out well over 50 ticks out of the two dogs after this one walk. But at least the boys had fun 🙂

  • 07.11.2023


    After the shows we headed inland and avoided the vacationer hotspots along the Baltic coast. We ended up walking the dogs in the Salaca Valley in northern Latvia and enjoyed the very red rock there. After the shows we headed inland and avoided the vacationer hotspots along the Baltic coast. We ended up walking the…

  • 06.11.2023


    Kulo watching the swimmers and waiting for his turn in the water.

  • 05.11.2023


    We decided to take a couple of weeks of vacation in July and head into Latvia and Estonia and see what the Baltics are like during the summer. We managed be there during a real heatwave and of course we spotted a couple of dog shows for Kulo as well. This is from the first…

  • 04.11.2023


    You know, we have no idea where June went. Ramin traveled for work and mostly we just tried to relax and recharge from the trip to the UK and the busy May that we had. We barely have any pictures taken with our phones during June, let alone any of our other cameras.

  • 03.11.2023


    Eino’s favority place in the van – the couch. Of course, under the watchful eye of Kulo if Eino does dare to move. Eino: I’m not impressed. Can you keep the brat from bothering my beauty sleep?

  • 02.11.2023


    Kamu, Anna Olavi’s daughter and Olavinlinna, Olav’s castle in Savonlinna. It was fun traveling to shows close to home during May and having the rest of the weekend available to explore the countryside and cities close to home.

  • 01.11.2023


    Did you miss Eino? Kulo sure did during the two months they were separated. We are not exactly sure how Eino felt about it all…

  • 31.10.2023


    It was weird to come back to Finland from England where all the spring flowers had already had their moment of glory and here the spring flowers were barely waking up with the tulips in bloom in late May.

  • 30.10.2023


    After we returned from Great Britain, we started Kulo’s show circuit in Finland. Anna had mapped out the shows in Finland during the summer that were feasible to travel to, but four shows in a bit over a month resulted with Kulo being best of breed a couple of times, getting two adult CACs and…

  • 29.10.2023


    Crossing the English Channel didn’t mean that we immediately left the coast behind. The boys got one more romp in the channel waters and around the remains of the Atlantic Wall in France before we started to head back to Finland. On the way back we stopped at a couple of dog shows in Lithuania,…

  • 28.10.2023


    The final romp on the English beaches. Until the next time we make our way to the British Isles. We honestly did treat the trip as a once in a lifetime experience. Or at least that was the plan. But nearly half a year after leaving the British Isles we have a strong inkling that…

  • 27.10.2023


    Looking across the channel again…

  • 26.10.2023


    We’re at the point of our showing pictures from our UK trip that we are at the last of everything. This is Kamu and the last set of ruins for the trip. We’re at the point of our showing pictures from our UK trip that we are at the last of everything. This is Kamu…

  • 25.10.2023


    Heading back down to the van and the last of the singletrack country lanes. Heading back down to the van and the last of the singletrack country lanes.

  • 24.10.2023


    Anna and Kamu enjoying the last of the grand views of the British countryside left for the trip. Anna and Kamu enjoying the last of the grand views of the British countryside left for the trip. Anna’s point of view

  • 23.10.2023


    Sorry for being late in posting. We’ve been recovering from traveling and shows. Back to normal schedule tomorrow.

  • 22.10.2023


    Little Kulo finished his time in the junior rings with a bang. Yesterday at Tallinn International Dog Show he finished three titles: Estonian junior champion, Baltic junior champion*, and International Junior Beauty Champion*. Today is still a show day, but there is nothing left for Kulo to achieve, except experience. He has a bit over…

  • 21.10.2023


    Try taking pictures of these clowns… Try taking pictures of these clowns… Try taking pictures of these clowns… Finally.

  • 20.10.2023


    Once again, heading up the hill.

  • 19.10.2023


    Kamu and Kulo: Ok, you can stop taking photos of the sweaters now and come feed us breakfast. Please. The sweaters in question.

  • 18.10.2023


    Air traffic control keep a watchful eye on the flight operations. And the result of the flight operations And the result of the flight operations

  • 17.10.2023


    Taking breather to enjoy the views. And the company of each other.

  • 16.10.2023


    Back to real time for a bit. Last weekend we went to two dog shows in Latvia and Kulo got the two JCACs he needed to become a Latvian junior champion. He also placed as best male on both days and ended up being best of opposite sex. Of course, he was the only male…

  • 15.10.2023


    The wonders of public footpaths and little nooks between the hills and houses.

  • 14.10.2023


    Ah, the endless variety of stiles and other such ways of getting over or through the fences criss crossing the British landscape.

  • 13.10.2023


    Is it just us, or is the weather in Britain either rainy, windy or both? Is it just us, or is the weather in Britain either rainy, windy or both?

  • 12.10.2023


    Ramin and Kulo admiring the views Ramin and Kulo admiring the views

  • 11.10.2023


    The views in Wales were beautiful and majestic, but we aren’t sure if the boys appreciated them or not. The views in Wales were beautiful and majestic, but we aren’t sure if the boys appreciated them or not. The views in Wales were beautiful and majestic, but we aren’t sure if the boys appreciated them…

  • 10.10.2023


    Back to our GB trip and to exploring the Welsh countryside.

  • 09.10.2023


    Still in real time and the reason we are posting a day late… We’ve had issues with our heater all through our current trip, but it hasn’t been a problem with the heatwave Central Europe has been experiencing. But now we are on our way back to Finland and the Baltics are already considerably cooler.…

  • 08.10.2023


    We will take a break from the photos of our UK trip and skip to real time again. Yesterday was a day we honestly never thought would happen. The titles of C.I.B. and C.I.E. (international beauty titles / championships) have always seemed out of reach for us. Partly out of choice that chasing CACIBs just…

  • 07.10.2023


    When in Wales… Well, there really aren’t any options to skip this place now are there? And our campsite that night.

  • 06.10.2023


    Enjoying the views and some cuddles on the pier. Enjoying the views and some cuddles on the pier.

  • 05.10.2023


    Kamu making sure that he is not forgotten while Anna looks at the tourist stuff for sale on a boardwalk. Boardwalks and strolling piers jutting into the sea are quite the foreign concept for us Finns.

  • 04.10.2023


    The freedom of running free on the seaside… Until the pest of a little brother comes along… That’ll teach him.

  • 03.10.2023


    A few days ago we mentioned that we started to head south along the western coast of Britain. And then we were in Edinburgh which is not on the western coast. Well, that was just a detour. From there we made quick work in driving south to get into Wales and hit the beaches there.…

  • 02.10.2023


    The boys honestly don’t mind staying put for a few days and exploring the same paths and scents for a night or more every now and then. While they are always ready for new adventures, you can see that they need a bit of rest from constantly new stimulus every now and then and staying…

  • 01.10.2023


    Campgrounds. You will pretty much never see us in an official campground. Or apparently even an aire etc. Pretty much the only time we will go to a campground or camperstop / aire is when we either want to explore a larger city and cut down on commute times and get a safe location for…

  • 30.09.2023


    A remake of an old one. This time there are only two princes and the landscape is very different. And you can’t believe how hard it was to find the old photo from 2007 even though we had an idea when it was taken based on the dogs we had at the time. A remake…

  • 29.09.2023


    It isn’t until you spend over a month in a country with very few forests that you realize how much you take having forests nearby and all around you for granted as a Finn.

  • 28.09.2023


    Mid-April and we are back in Scotland. Slowly making way south along the western edge of the isle of Britain. And we brought the snowfall with us again, the mountains are white and we woke up to frost on the windshield.

  • 27.09.2023


    Kamu would like to know if Hogwarts accepts flatcoats? Not dogs in general, but flatcoats… Kamu would like to know if Hogwarts accepts flatcoats? Not dogs in general, but flatcoats…

  • 26.09.2023


    There’s this bridge in Scotland that we absolutely had to go and see… There’s this bridge in Scotland that we absolutely had to go and see…

  • 25.09.2023


    Kamu spent quite a bit of time on our walks in the countryside unnecessary on lead. At least in his opionion. Conveniently he also forgot the fact that there were typically a lot of sheep around as well.

  • 24.09.2023


    Anna planning a photo… The photo captured… And reviewing the photo. All under the very interested eye of the supervisor.

  • 23.09.2023


    One of the big challenges we faced on our trip to Great Britain was taking long weeks with a young dog. Kulo was 10-12 months old on our trip and while a 10 kilometer walk isn’t too much for him physically, mentally he was usually drained after something like 6-7 km. It also meant that…

  • 22.09.2023


    Sorry, we had some technical issues that had our site down for 24 hours or so, but they should all be resolved now. So here’s a few more of Anna and Kamu on the mountaintop. Sorry, we had some technical issues that had our site down for 24 hours or so, but they should all…

  • 21.09.2023


    Ramin and Kulo concentrating on photographing the landscapes of the Isle of Skye. Or well, at least Ramin was focused on photography, Kulo on finding sheep poop. Ramin and Kulo concentrating on photographing the landscapes of the Isle of Skye. Or well, at least Ramin was focused on photography, Kulo on finding sheep poop. Ramin…

  • 20.09.2023


    The photographer and the sometimes patient companion. And one of the landscapes being photographed.

  • 19.09.2023


    Last Wednesday was the 19 anniversary of our little photoblog. Little did we know at the time how long we would continue publishing daily photographs of our boys documenting our lives and adventures. And the astonishing thing is, there are a few followers who we know have been with us pretty much from the beginning.…

  • 18.09.2023


    After adventures a day spent in the van just admiring the scenery and watching the humans work is much appreciated. After adventures a day spent in the van just admiring the scenery and watching the humans work is much appreciated.

  • 17.09.2023


    Sure, walking up inside the cloud was already very wet. But then it started to rain. Hard. So hard that we decided to turn back and head down. And we were all soaked. And it stopped raining pretty much when we reached the van. But it was still fun. These are the moments when you…

  • 16.09.2023


    This is nearly the last one of us climbing up a mountain in the fog. Any luck finding two flatcoats in the picture?

  • 15.09.2023


    The boys taking a little breather on the way up. By this point we were pretty much soaked and it wasn’t even raining that much. Yet.

  • 14.09.2023


    Heading deeper into the clouds. If you haven’t yet guessed it, we’ve progressed to being on the Isle of Skye, or the Isle of Mists. The name is apt. Heading deeper into the clouds. If you haven’t yet guessed it, we’ve progressed to being on the Isle of Skye, or the Isle of Mists. The…

  • 13.09.2023


    Checking out what the path ahead looks like and who has passed before us. Checking out what the path ahead looks like and who has passed before us.

  • 12.09.2023


    Heading up into the hills and clouds.

  • 11.09.2023


    The village of Plockton and it’s seaside. And Kamu the mountain goat.

  • 10.09.2023


    Do you recognize this view? If you don’t, you are probably not someone who watched a 90s show about a Scottish country police.

  • 09.09.2023


    Another one of those you know it’s windy when a flatcoats ears start behaving like this places. But then, what else would you expect at the top of Bealach Na Ba (Applecross Pass)? But then, what else would you expect at the top of Bealach Na Ba (Applecross Pass)?

  • 08.09.2023


    After all of the waterfalls it was finally time to go up into the hills again. We went up high to see the scenery. And experience the intense winds coming from the sea. Just look at Kamu’s ears.

  • 07.09.2023


    Yet another waterfall, but this time without any swimming. Just waiting for the humans to photograph it. Followed by more views of the coast, single lane roads and lochs. Yet another waterfall, but this time without any swimming. Just waiting for the humans to photograph it. Followed by more views of the coast, single lane…

  • 06.09.2023


    Post swim cuddles by the waterfall.

  • 05.09.2023


    Have you ever had the chance to swim in the pool of a waterfall? The boys sure hadn’t before this, but they loved the chance! Have you ever had the chance to swim in the pool of a waterfall? The boys sure hadn’t before this, but they loved the chance!

  • 04.09.2023


    Inspecting the vast emptiness and the beautiful landscapes of the Highlands. Compared to the populated England, the emptiness of Scotland really suited us.

  • 03.09.2023


    We have a bit of a story to tell you. When we returned to our van from the long day at Crufts, the rear door of our van would not unlock. Every now and then we tried to figure out what the issue could be. Testing different scenarios and even ordering some spare parts to…

  • 02.09.2023


    Heading back to the van after a long day of exploring the beach and the nearby caves. Heading back to the van after a long day of exploring the beach and the nearby caves.

  • 01.09.2023


    It’s funny how when a new puppy is introduced to the pack the previous puppy suddenly grows up and matures. At least when it comes to playing with muddy seaweed on the beach.

  • 31.08.2023


    A happy flatcoat: wet, in the middle of an adventure, and free to run. Behind the scenes.

  • 30.08.2023


    Tidal pools and the joy of splashing in them.

  • 29.08.2023


    The little mountain goat exploring the rocks that the outgoing tide has revealed. For inlanders like us, the 4-5m tides on the beaches were a source of wonder. And quite a bit of apprehension as well. We kept a close eye on the tide tables at all times when around the coast. Just in case.…

  • 28.08.2023


    We have no idea why this bridge over the little brook on the beach has been built, but it sure made for a good place for a photo even with a strong backlight. But Kamu was a bit too amped up to stand well so he had to have him sit. Running free on the…

  • 27.08.2023


    Kulo: There’s a beach right behind me. Can I go yet? Please? I’m being good and sitting and posing here. And off he goes!

  • 26.08.2023


    The vast emptiness of the northeastearn coastline. And the time to start thinking of turning west, since there is no more land to the northeast to head towards.

  • 25.08.2023


    By now you should all be familiar what Kamu does if we stand still for a moment looking at the scenery. He makes sure that he is not forgotten.

  • 24.08.2023


    Yesterday was also the 21st anniversary of the birth of Flippe, our first flatcoat. Who would have known at the time that we would end up being at flatcoats number 7 and 8 21 years later?

  • 23.08.2023


    Today is the 30th birthday of Anna’s best friend through her teenage years and the first retriever in our lives. The one and only Kassu. Today is the 30th birthday of Anna’s best friend through her teenage years and the first retriever in our lives. The one and only Kassu. Today is the 30th birthday…

  • 22.08.2023


    The photographer and assistants, and the landscape being photographed. And some more random coastline from Scotland.

  • 21.08.2023


    After the hustle and bustle of England, the emptiness of The Highlands was just what the doctor ordered for us. Walks in the moors, spending the night by a river. With the locals coming by to check that we hadn’t lost our leads on the moors after they had found a pair when walking themselves.…

  • 20.08.2023


    Eino would like us to take a break demon the exhausting travel photos and remind you that Sundays (and pretty much any other day of the week) are best spent dozing on the couch.

  • 19.08.2023


    No matter where we are, if there is water to be found, the flatcoats will get wet. And yes, we forgot that Scotland also has bogs. Lots of them. We ended up washing the dogs back at the van before letting them in… No matter where we are, if there is water to be found,…

  • 18.08.2023


    At the top of the hill. A walk in The Highlands from somewhere in the valley to the top of the hill and back down again. The views were worth it even if it was very windy. At the top of the hill. A walk in The Highlands from somewhere in the valley to the…

  • 17.08.2023


    This little Loch Ness monster wants out of the water. Behind the scenes And since we were in the area, we had to pay a visit to the birthplace of the Golden Retriever.

  • 16.08.2023


    Of course, no visit to The Highlands is complete without going to see the Loch Ness monster. But did you know there are two of them?!

  • 15.08.2023


    After a walk in the Cairngorms we went a bit further for a walk to see some pyramids. Along the way we spotted someone’s summer house down in the valley. Kulo was very curious as to whose cabin it might be. Any guesses? After a walk in the Cairngorms we went a bit further for…

  • 14.08.2023


    Sniffing for the grouse we heard all over the highlands. Don’t worry, the dogs were kept at leads length at all times even when off lead in the areas were we could hear and see birds.

  • 13.08.2023


    Now that we finally made it to the Highlands, be prepared for a lot of photos from there. There are lots more to come. On that note, can you spot our van in the picture? It is there, we promise.

  • 12.08.2023


    After the coast we finally made it inland and into The Highlands of Scotland. And they did not disappoint.

  • 11.08.2023


    The coastal towns of Scotland are wonderful places to visit. On this walk we managed to start in one, walk through another and end up in a third town. Luckily there was a bus that took us back to our van. It was Kulo’s first busride! The coastal towns of Scotland are wonderful places to…

  • 10.08.2023


    There’s always time to stop and pose in front of some murals on our walks.

  • 09.08.2023


    After driving up along the coast of Northeast England, we finally made it into Scotland. But we didn’t make it into the highlands quite yet and stuck to the coast for a bit at first. After driving up along the coast of Northeast England, we finally made it into Scotland. But we didn’t make it…

  • 08.08.2023


    The joy of running free in the English countryside P.S. How many flatcoats do you see?

  • 07.08.2023


    Kamu on a seaside stroll And Kamu’s audience

  • 06.08.2023


    Kamu the adopted Viking (well, something of the sort, at least he has a lot of Scandinavian blood) and a rare castle on the northeastern coast of England that the Vikings did not sack. Possibly because it was built much after the times of the Vikings…

  • 05.08.2023


    Kulo looking so very worried. Maybe he’s worried because we were at yet another pile of rubble and not by the sea?

  • 04.08.2023


    Kamu at Hogwarts!

  • 03.08.2023


    Kamu looking at the views. Why is it, that pretty much every time that the view has some water, there is the danger of a jumping flatcoat?

  • 02.08.2023


    Checking up on two kinds of social media: the digital kind and the olfactory kind.

  • 01.08.2023


    It’s not snow, but it will do for a good roll after a swim. It’s not snow, but it will do for a good roll after a swim. It’s not snow, but it will do for a good roll after a swim. It’s not snow, but it will do for a good roll after a…

  • 31.07.2023


    You probably don’t know it, but many years ago Ramin lived in England for a bit and one of his first memories from there, after the driving on the wrong side of the road, was from this beach and seeing the dogs running free on it. One of his bucket list items has been being…

  • 30.07.2023


    And yes, the went to see the Robin Hood tree along the wall. The scenery along the wall and in Northumbria is changing from the gentle rolling countryside of England to the more rugged wildness of Scotland.

  • 29.07.2023


    Walking along Hadrian’s Wall, heading from milecastle to the next. Walking along Hadrian’s Wall, heading from milecastle to the next.

  • 28.07.2023


    Kulo making sure that no wild Golden Retrievers from the northern reaches of wild Scotland enter into civilized flatcoated England.

  • 27.07.2023


    Walking on an ancient wall. This is Hardian’s Wall and the only section you are allowed to walk on. Built by Romans nearly 2000 years ago to protect from the wild peoples of the north and very much an inspiration for The Wall in Game of Thrones. And yes, driving towards the north in England…